Cat Pictures, Please!
So . . . suddenly there is a cat living with me. I am the caretaker of a cat by
the name of Jet. Said name derives not from his colour, but from his propensity
to zoom around at jet speed, leaving a trail of displaced rugs and other objects
in his wake.
Jet is a mixed breed rescue, i.e., a mutt of a cat. Probably a little
over a year old when he arrived in mid-May 2024, weighing around 11 pounds. A
bit hefty for a house cat, and he's added a pound and a half since then. Which is
why he moves rugs when he launches himself on a jet flight.
This has, of course, completely upended my heretofore quiet existence.
Click on a photo for a larger version. (And yes, I adore Naomi Kritzer's novels
and stories!)

Jet dreams of this electric mouse.